I was so impacted by the coverage of the rescue in Chile of 33 miners yesterday. Just thinking of being that far underground for 69 days is unimaginable, claustrophobic that I am! But what struck me as even more important was the effect this had on people worldwide. It was if we were so starved for good news, for proof of a miracle, that this event pulled us together in a very powerful way. Witnessing the reunion of each miner with their loved one or ones sent waves of emotion through my body as I watched and shared in the joy from my little corner of the world.
LOVE....that is what I felt. Pure, joyful, inspiring, healing, hopeful LOVE. Those are only a few of the words I would use in connection with this little word that holds the key to the Universe within it. For those moments, as we watched the miners being rescued, one by one, over hours and hours, we were not consumed with negative thoughts of war, a bad economy, loss, illness....we were joined in a common bond, those of us who watched, a bond that healed a part of each of our souls as we shared this amazing, miraculous event.
We are at such a point of needing to see and feel hope. Hope is imperative to our wellbeing. We need to feel it in order to move forward and see that wherever we are and whatever we are experiencing on a human level is not all there is. Our souls reach out through the darkness of despair as we deal with our daily lives and challenges, they reach for the light that is right there at the edge of our experience if we will just take a moment to be silent, to be in the moment, the now and let God speak to and through us.
When I began the journey of building HeartWings several years ago I felt that it was a spirit driven business. As I work to get the message out to more and more people on a daily basis this becomes even more clear to me. Just the way the design of the little pillow that represents the HeartWings movement was sent to me in a dream the whole business of HeartWings is being guided by something much more powerful than my human self with its many limitations, fears, memories of past failures and more. I am consciously setting all of that aside today as I work to send the message, the power of unconditional healing love to everyone I come into contact with, no matter how that contact is made. We truly are one and love really is ALL that matters....it is the essence of God that works within us and through us, it is what unlocks the secrets of the Universe and joins us together on our spiritual and human journey's.
As I sit here composing this first "blog" for HeartWings, which I am calling HeartTalk, I am reminded that I have the opportunity to touch so many lives with this business and its message. How exciting to think of what the future holds, but I know that NOW is what matters. I open my heart to whatever I am led to do, to contribute or to experience as HeartWings takes flight and reaches around the world, sending love and comfort to countless lives.
It is my privilege to work with Luz Aguirrebena, a lovely woman I met via Facebook. I was feeling slightly discouraged on the day of our meeting, so much so that I prayed for some sign as to whether I should continue on the HeartWings path, to continue to invest countless hours of work, or to invest more money into the manufacturing of the pillows. I was met with Luz's smiling face as a result of my friendship with Ani Kaspar, the amazing author of "Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies". It was so predestined, this meeting, as Luz will confirm. Something happened in that moment that made it clear that I was to continue and I was to work with Luz as my mentor into the world of working 50/50, joining our hearts and minds to create something so special, so successful that it would ignite and take off as I had known it would.
It is my hope to be of inspiration to those who stay tuned to my blogs. The blogs will include stories that I receive from HeartWings recipients, heartfelt messages that I feel led to share, wellness tips and recipes.....another blog coming on that soon! The day I knew that I could no longer use my talents as a chef in the restaurant arena, I knew that I must find a way to continue to give, to nurture others and HeartWings is definitely the answer to that quest. HeartWings can feed the soul, comfort the body and send messages of love and hope to all who receive a pillow with it's simple little message tucked into the pocket on the back....."You Are Loved". It really is THAT SIMPLE!
Realizing that we are all loved, that we are all one, will lead to a healing experience like nothing we have ever experienced. HeartWings is preparing to unveil several new pillows so stay tuned. One is for Ani Kaspar's website, Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies, with a percentage of sales going to help fund Ani's quest to fund cancer research. The others are fun, whimsical and so precious - a group of pillows especially designed for girls offering cards tucked into the pillow that have healing and encouraging affirmations printed on them to inspire these young women to grow into loving, contributing, members of society with bright shining spirits that radiate hope and inspiration for the future.
It's so amazing to be involved in HeartWings and be able to experience working with something I am passionate about, something that is truly my bliss! Spread the word, spread the love and share in this experience. Visit the website....www.heartwingslove.com....and see what it's all about if you have not already!
What an inspiring message! Have you thought of talking to sororities?